Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get ahead in the IRON FUTURE.

Turn your grunts into farmers

As long as there are no enemy units at the location, the Harvester provides an immediate boost to your resources equal to the total capture value at the location when it is deployed. Rather than slap down that harvester immediately for a single resource, start with grunts (or any other unit with Retaliate) to dissuade enemy units from being deployed at that location, and then follow up with the Harvester on a later turn for two or more resources.

Crush them with capitalism

Going first is usually a downside in the conquest phase, but gives you an edge in the acquisition phase. The amount of resources available to each player is open information, so if you know there is only a single card available for sale that your opponent can afford, snapping it up first - even if it wasn't your first choice - can give you a leg up in the next round.