Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone comes into a game with their own sets of assumptions based on past gaming experience, and something that may have seemed intuitive to our playtesters may not be obvious to someone coming from a different gaming background. As questions come up, we will add clarification below.

'Moving' Units

There are two instances where a card may be 'moved':

  • Using the Heavy Lifter before deploying a card for the turn to move a unit that you deployed previously
  • Using the Scout Car's ability to move it in response to an opponent deploying a unit at the same location

In both cases, the unit being moved does not count as being deployed at the new location, nor does it get to make attacks again. It does not trigger retaliate damage or roll for minefields at the new location. In the case of the Scout Car, since the movement happens prior to the enemy unit declaring attacks, it may still be possible for the Scout Car to be the target of attacks if the enemy unit being deployed has weapons usable at Medium range.


In the event that a particular rule is causing the game not to function as intended, it will be addressed here.